StoryMakers NYC

Teen Zine vol. 1: The Faith

Teen Zine vol. 1: The Faith invites teens to explore the idea of faith and whether they see themselves as people with faith by walking them through the Apostles' Creed, which contains the essentials of what all creedal Christians believe. A Quick Start Guide accompanies each zine to support grown-ups as they join their teen on this faith adventure.

This 300-page zine contains ten chapters of art, scripture, grounding theological truth, and processing space:

Who is God?

Who is God the Father?

Who is Jesus?

What did Jesus do?

Where is Jesus now?

Who is the Holy Spirit?

What is a Christian community?

What is forgiveness?

What is eternal life?

What do I believe now?


*StoryMakers zines are intended for use by one teen and may not be reproduced. Each zine has space for reflection, note-taking, and doodling. Zines are a place for a teen to express their questions, discoveries, and creativity as they explore the deep theological truths and faith in God.

