StoryMakers NYC

The Stars Starter Kit

Start your adventure with a Starter Kit. Each adventure includes all the essential tools you need to get started! The Star's Kit explores Genesis 11-33 and highlights the redemptive narratives. There is so much to discover in the 12-chapter series.

The Stars series is all about Abraham , Sarah, Isaac, Jacob, Esau, Rebekah, Rachel, and everyone in between! This adventure is action packed and moves through the emotions of fear and jealousy. Through this account we are reminded of God's steadfast faithfulness to his people.

Each chapter includes six opportunities to engage with the lesson. StoryMakers will enjoy — visuals, stories, fun facts, art, and thoughts to ponder. Zines are meant to be enjoyed in church or at home.

*StoryMakers zines are intended for use by one child and may not be reproduced. Each zine has space for reflection, note taking and doodling. Zines are a place for a child to express their questions, reflections and discoveries as they explore the ancient stories of the Bible and faith in God.

Each kit includes:

5 Zines

2 Guides

2 Playbooks

1 Set of Memory Cards

12 Chapter downloadable visuals.
